Aprilwood West Apartments

Aprilwood West Apartments

Aprilwood West Apartments Multi-Family  |  Best Built Builders  Date: 2016 Location: South Main Street Memphis, TN The $93 million public housing redevelopment of Cleaborn Homes for 362 new apartments in Downtown Memphis entered its final stretch this week....
Lincoln American Tower

Lincoln American Tower

Lincoln American Tower Multi-Family  |  Best Built Builders  Date: 2016 Location: South Main Street Memphis, TN The $93 million public housing redevelopment of Cleaborn Homes for 362 new apartments in Downtown Memphis entered its final stretch this week. Birmingham,...

Barry Towers

Barry Towers Multi-Family  |  Best Built Builders  Date: 2016 Location: South Main Street Memphis, TN The $93 million public housing redevelopment of Cleaborn Homes for 362 new apartments in Downtown Memphis entered its final stretch this week. Birmingham, Ala.-based...

Lane College – Graves Hall

Lane College – Graves Hall Education  |  Best Built Builders  Date: 2016 Location: South Main Street Memphis, TN The $93 million public housing redevelopment of Cleaborn Homes for 362 new apartments in Downtown Memphis entered its final stretch this week....

Lane College – Smith Hall

Lane College – Smith Hall Education  |  Best Built Builders  Date: 2016 Location: South Main Street Memphis, TN The $93 million public housing redevelopment of Cleaborn Homes for 362 new apartments in Downtown Memphis entered its final stretch this week....

Lane College – Hamlett Hall

Lane College – Hamlett Hall Education  |  Best Built Builders  Date: 2016 Location: South Main Street Memphis, TN The $93 million public housing redevelopment of Cleaborn Homes for 362 new apartments in Downtown Memphis entered its final stretch this week....